Consultoría en Excelencia - Servicio al Cliente para Empresas de Lujo y Premium - Excellence Consulting . Customer Service for Luxury and Premium Brands
martes, 31 de enero de 2012
Emotional Marketing: Three Steps to Surprise Your Clients
Hope this article helps you get closer to your best asset: your relationship with clients!
martes, 10 de enero de 2012
Three Language Secrets To Improve Your Sales Results
Language is one of the most important means of communication. Words are vital components of language, and so are gestures, looks, movements, sounds, art, music, and of course, silence. (Many people feel uncomfortable with silence, yet, it is such a remarkable excellent tool both in life and in sales!)
As effective communicators, we sales people need to be aware of our messages: sometimes “unwanted” words and gestures come up, and fluid communication becomes somewhat difficult. That is why it is so important to think how we are going to use words with clients before actually being with them. Rehearsing some language secrets in advance will turn your communication into a more fluent, transient, and empowering experience for your clients.
Secret Number One: Avoid Labeling
Broadly speaking, when we openly or mentally label a situation, a person, a feature of ourselves - whatever – it is always with a negative connotation which tends to limit possible different ways to keep on growing, specially in the sales arena, just because labeling is a means to narrow our minds and has the effect to “filter in” only the information that will serve as “consistent evidence” that back-up the labels we created. You need to remember that our mind is sometimes tricky: you cannot trust it very much, it may lead you to make big mistakes!
So, in order to avoid labeling, every time you have a tendency to judge, simply act as a judge instead, :use language to reason, ask yourself: “What is the real evidence I count on to make such an assumption about this…person, situation, myself, whatever?” “What questions could I make in order to learn more about this and check if I am making a sound conclusion or a stupid one? “Why do I post this “identity label” to myself and keep it in my mind when it does not help me in my work – and life - at all? What is it I need to say or do differently in order to produce the outcomes I desire?
To help you adopt good self- criticism, just refer to you ( the situation, the other person – whatever ) in a positive, enquiring manner: “I am such a great salesperson! Isn´t it great I am able to improve my performance by learning new language strategies?” “She is a very reserved and quiet client, what could I say to her (or what words would I choose ) to open up the dialogue without sounding pushy or invasive given her reluctance to speak?
Note that whenever I get you through this column, I reinforce the idea of making lots of open questions everyday, all day long. They are really helpful and have the advantage of erasing all psychological “stick ability” to labeling.
Secret Language Number Two: Use Tag Questions
This is such a simple, wonderful and effective technique! Isn´t it? You will find it very useful, especially when you have established good rapport with clients. Question Tags are known as “positive change facilitators” in Neurolinguistics because they reinforce “buy-in” behaviors. You can even apply them to reinforce the client´s “mood” of the moment: “ You know Ms. XX, I truly believe you are going to enjoy this beautiful ring for many years to come and in plenty of occasions, don´t you agree?
I am pretty sure once you start noticing how helpful this tool is in getting results, and once you feel comfortable expressing question tags, you will feel encouraged to use it more in your daily working routine, won´t you?
Secret Language Number Three: Neutralize objections with “And…”
Your clients will come up with thousands of diverse objections rather than price or payment. They will tell you even interesting things about family matters if they have in mind to get you up in their roller coaster of “not being sure” or “not being ready” to purchase. We know that, and certainly we expect that. After all, it is in the very core of human nature to struggle a bit before closing a deal, just because…
Therefore, when a client posts an objection and he/she says something like: “ I am really scared to make this step” , you take a few seconds and magnetize your suggestion: “I understand Mr XX…AND that means you are someone conscious about your important choices…Plus, fear is part of human nature, isn´t it?</span> Although I am sure you will agree that our best decisions come associated with a little bit of fear, just because it is an ingredient of getting everything is worth having, don´t you think so?</span>”
As professional salespeople in the luxury market we have today what I believe is an un-precedent historical opportunity to take advantage of the person-to-person interaction: you can harness language tools and use them purposefully in the direction of positive change, whether it is closing a sale or coming to an agreement.
Make the effort: study these secrets a little bit further and apply them right away, they will help you go beyond your imagination, and sales goals.
Note: this article has been published in Jewelry News Network , USA - January 11, 2012
Mónica M. Arias
Excellence Expert & Consultant: Helping you discover how to reach your next level through excellence.
Copyright 2011
As effective communicators, we sales people need to be aware of our messages: sometimes “unwanted” words and gestures come up, and fluid communication becomes somewhat difficult. That is why it is so important to think how we are going to use words with clients before actually being with them. Rehearsing some language secrets in advance will turn your communication into a more fluent, transient, and empowering experience for your clients.
Secret Number One: Avoid Labeling
Broadly speaking, when we openly or mentally label a situation, a person, a feature of ourselves - whatever – it is always with a negative connotation which tends to limit possible different ways to keep on growing, specially in the sales arena, just because labeling is a means to narrow our minds and has the effect to “filter in” only the information that will serve as “consistent evidence” that back-up the labels we created. You need to remember that our mind is sometimes tricky: you cannot trust it very much, it may lead you to make big mistakes!
So, in order to avoid labeling, every time you have a tendency to judge, simply act as a judge instead, :use language to reason, ask yourself: “What is the real evidence I count on to make such an assumption about this…person, situation, myself, whatever?” “What questions could I make in order to learn more about this and check if I am making a sound conclusion or a stupid one? “Why do I post this “identity label” to myself and keep it in my mind when it does not help me in my work – and life - at all? What is it I need to say or do differently in order to produce the outcomes I desire?
To help you adopt good self- criticism, just refer to you ( the situation, the other person – whatever ) in a positive, enquiring manner: “I am such a great salesperson! Isn´t it great I am able to improve my performance by learning new language strategies?” “She is a very reserved and quiet client, what could I say to her (or what words would I choose ) to open up the dialogue without sounding pushy or invasive given her reluctance to speak?
Note that whenever I get you through this column, I reinforce the idea of making lots of open questions everyday, all day long. They are really helpful and have the advantage of erasing all psychological “stick ability” to labeling.
Secret Language Number Two: Use Tag Questions
This is such a simple, wonderful and effective technique! Isn´t it? You will find it very useful, especially when you have established good rapport with clients. Question Tags are known as “positive change facilitators” in Neurolinguistics because they reinforce “buy-in” behaviors. You can even apply them to reinforce the client´s “mood” of the moment: “ You know Ms. XX, I truly believe you are going to enjoy this beautiful ring for many years to come and in plenty of occasions, don´t you agree?
I am pretty sure once you start noticing how helpful this tool is in getting results, and once you feel comfortable expressing question tags, you will feel encouraged to use it more in your daily working routine, won´t you?
Secret Language Number Three: Neutralize objections with “And…”
Your clients will come up with thousands of diverse objections rather than price or payment. They will tell you even interesting things about family matters if they have in mind to get you up in their roller coaster of “not being sure” or “not being ready” to purchase. We know that, and certainly we expect that. After all, it is in the very core of human nature to struggle a bit before closing a deal, just because…
Therefore, when a client posts an objection and he/she says something like: “ I am really scared to make this step” , you take a few seconds and magnetize your suggestion: “I understand Mr XX…AND that means you are someone conscious about your important choices…Plus, fear is part of human nature, isn´t it?</span> Although I am sure you will agree that our best decisions come associated with a little bit of fear, just because it is an ingredient of getting everything is worth having, don´t you think so?</span>”
As professional salespeople in the luxury market we have today what I believe is an un-precedent historical opportunity to take advantage of the person-to-person interaction: you can harness language tools and use them purposefully in the direction of positive change, whether it is closing a sale or coming to an agreement.
Make the effort: study these secrets a little bit further and apply them right away, they will help you go beyond your imagination, and sales goals.
Note: this article has been published in Jewelry News Network , USA - January 11, 2012
Mónica M. Arias
Excellence Expert & Consultant: Helping you discover how to reach your next level through excellence.
Copyright 2011
Escenario y Tendencias del Consumidor de Lujo 2012
Muchos especialistas en la industria del Lujo coinciden en señalar tendencias que marcarán la diferencia en el comportamiento del consumidor de este segmento. Coincido por ejemplo con Carla Romano, especialista en marketing sobre Lujo, cuando comenta en su columna que una de las tendencias en la que las Empresas de este sector deben trabajar es en los "pequeños" detalles que suman a la expereiencia del cliente,y por los cuales estarán dispuestos a abonar un precio "extra"a la hora de decidir una compra.
Pequeños o no, lo cierto es que no todas las Empresas que se auto-definen (o que ya se han consagrado) de Lujo o Premium, realizan acciones para "enamorar" a sus clientes de forma tal de lograr que su experiencia sea el valor agregado que reciben simplemente por ser sus clientes high-end. Sabemos que las empresas de lujo compiten con otras de su misma categoría o ramo, en cuanto a la calidad de sus productos y servicios, forma de accesibilidad de los mismos, calidad óptima en la manufactura, etc. Pero es indudable que todavía existen prejuicios sobre el servicio de Excelencia, que incluye los detalles a los cuales nos referimos. Muchos ejecutivos, dueños de Empresas de Lujo o Premium, no contemplan una acción de marketing emotivo en sus operaciones comerciales. Y en un año marcado por la incertidumbre y el ajetreo financiero global, seguramente será necesario agudizar el ingenio para ofrecer mucho más valor agregado que nunca, por ejemplo, en acciones de cuidado y "presencia permanente" en la mente del cliente high-end.
Por qué es necesario volcar todos los esfuerzos en este tipo de estrategia comunicacional? Porque los clientes de este segmento aman ser tratados en forma diferente. Y esa diferenciación será más notoria cuanto más concretas sean las acciones desde la Empresa que provoquen emociones placenteras a los clientes, que quieren ser y sentirse "eternamente" sorprendidos.
Es interesante destacar que las empresas de lujo del sector retail, también deberán contar con una estrategia de posicionamiento acorde a estas nuevas exigencias del mercado. A pesar de la renuencia de muchas firmas del sector en realizar campañas de posicionamiento de marca, estas estrategias son críticas dados los grandes movimientos de competitividad originados en el mundo del Lujo en los últimos meses.
El 2012 será un año de desafíos en este sentido para las Empresas de Lujo y Premium, que se han establecido a través de la tradición, su historia y herencia, y ahora se ven envueltas en grandes cambios de comportamiento de sus consumidores, que incluyen el mayor acercamiento de los clientes a lo que dictan los "consejeros" a través de sus fuentes de información tecnológica, un mayor apego a las empresas "green-friendly", mayor accesibilidad a las redes sociales: Facebook, Twitter, y otras que influyen en su decisión de compra, un marcado acento por lo visual que muchas veces impacta en la decisión de compra, un servicio de Excelencia que demandan en la pre venta, la venta y la post-venta, y una cautela mucho mayor en la selección de compra. La pregunta es: Están las Empresas de Lujo y Premium capacitadas hoy para ajustar sus iniciativas comerciales ofreciendo valor agregado permanente a sus clientes? Este es un interrogante abierto porque su respuesta se consagrará a los resultados obtenidos de acuerdo a la decisión de diferenciarse de su competidor, o no.
Aquí es donde la Excelencia entra en juego, hoy más que nunca, en el uso de la imaginación y la innovación para lograr el efecto sorpresa que los clientes desean recibir, sin motivo alguno, por el simple hecho de pertenecer al mundo fascinante de la Industria del Lujo.
Pequeños o no, lo cierto es que no todas las Empresas que se auto-definen (o que ya se han consagrado) de Lujo o Premium, realizan acciones para "enamorar" a sus clientes de forma tal de lograr que su experiencia sea el valor agregado que reciben simplemente por ser sus clientes high-end. Sabemos que las empresas de lujo compiten con otras de su misma categoría o ramo, en cuanto a la calidad de sus productos y servicios, forma de accesibilidad de los mismos, calidad óptima en la manufactura, etc. Pero es indudable que todavía existen prejuicios sobre el servicio de Excelencia, que incluye los detalles a los cuales nos referimos. Muchos ejecutivos, dueños de Empresas de Lujo o Premium, no contemplan una acción de marketing emotivo en sus operaciones comerciales. Y en un año marcado por la incertidumbre y el ajetreo financiero global, seguramente será necesario agudizar el ingenio para ofrecer mucho más valor agregado que nunca, por ejemplo, en acciones de cuidado y "presencia permanente" en la mente del cliente high-end.
Por qué es necesario volcar todos los esfuerzos en este tipo de estrategia comunicacional? Porque los clientes de este segmento aman ser tratados en forma diferente. Y esa diferenciación será más notoria cuanto más concretas sean las acciones desde la Empresa que provoquen emociones placenteras a los clientes, que quieren ser y sentirse "eternamente" sorprendidos.
Es interesante destacar que las empresas de lujo del sector retail, también deberán contar con una estrategia de posicionamiento acorde a estas nuevas exigencias del mercado. A pesar de la renuencia de muchas firmas del sector en realizar campañas de posicionamiento de marca, estas estrategias son críticas dados los grandes movimientos de competitividad originados en el mundo del Lujo en los últimos meses.
El 2012 será un año de desafíos en este sentido para las Empresas de Lujo y Premium, que se han establecido a través de la tradición, su historia y herencia, y ahora se ven envueltas en grandes cambios de comportamiento de sus consumidores, que incluyen el mayor acercamiento de los clientes a lo que dictan los "consejeros" a través de sus fuentes de información tecnológica, un mayor apego a las empresas "green-friendly", mayor accesibilidad a las redes sociales: Facebook, Twitter, y otras que influyen en su decisión de compra, un marcado acento por lo visual que muchas veces impacta en la decisión de compra, un servicio de Excelencia que demandan en la pre venta, la venta y la post-venta, y una cautela mucho mayor en la selección de compra. La pregunta es: Están las Empresas de Lujo y Premium capacitadas hoy para ajustar sus iniciativas comerciales ofreciendo valor agregado permanente a sus clientes? Este es un interrogante abierto porque su respuesta se consagrará a los resultados obtenidos de acuerdo a la decisión de diferenciarse de su competidor, o no.
Aquí es donde la Excelencia entra en juego, hoy más que nunca, en el uso de la imaginación y la innovación para lograr el efecto sorpresa que los clientes desean recibir, sin motivo alguno, por el simple hecho de pertenecer al mundo fascinante de la Industria del Lujo.
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